A simple timer example for the Grasshopper C# component


Create a simple timer in Grasshopper using the built-in C# component with this example script.

What this does

Set runtimer to true. The component will build a list of the current time and date, once per second.

When runtimer is set to false, the timer is turned off and the list is displayed.


  private void RunScript(bool runtimer, bool reset, ref object A)
    if(runtimer) Example.TurnOnTimer();
    if(!runtimer) Example.TurnOffTimer();
    A = rtnlist;

  // <Custom additional code> 

  public static List<string> rtnlist = new List<string>();

  public class Example
    public static System.Timers.Timer aTimer = new System.Timers.Timer(1000);

    public static void TurnOnTimer()
      aTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;
      aTimer.Enabled = true;

    public static void TurnOffTimer()
      aTimer.Elapsed -= OnTimedEvent;
      aTimer.Enabled = false;

    private static void OnTimedEvent(Object source, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e)


You can download the above code as a Grasshopper user object here

Further information

MSDN guide: timers in C#

Grasshopper timer using Python

If you are looking to add a timer to a Python component without using the timer component, have a look at Anders Deleuran’s code here.

Set the Rhino camera with Grasshopper and C#

Setting the camera in Rhino can be a bit fiddly. Often, dragging and orbiting doesn’t give you the camera view you need. It is possible to manually set the camera using the ViewportProperties command, but even this often isn’t ideal.

However, it is surprisingly easy to set the Rhino camera with a few lines of C# code in Grasshopper. The key part is understanding how the Rhino camera works. The camera location is defined by a Point3d. In order to get the view direction, a second point is used, called the target. So if you want to ‘look around’, keep the camera location constant, and move the target. If you want to orbit around an object, keep the target the same and move the camera location. If you want to ‘walk’ (like in Sketchup) then you need to move the location and the target together.

To use the code below, create a C# component in Grasshopper. Copy the script below into the component. The snippet gets the camera in the selected Rhino viewport.

Get camera

private void RunScript(bool getcamera)
    //get current viewport    
    vp = doc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport;
    //save camera location and camera target
    loc = vp.CameraLocation;
    tar = vp.CameraTarget;
// <custom additional code>

Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport vp; //used to get and set rhino camera properties
Point3d tar;
Point3d loc;

…and this one sets the viewport. You’ll need to set two Point3d inputs called loc and tar to take the user’s desired camera location and target points.

Set camera

private void RunScript(Point3d loc, Point3d tar)
    //get current viewport    
    vp = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Views.ActiveView.ActiveViewport;
    //set new camera
    vp.SetCameraLocations(tar, loc);
// <custom additional code>

Rhino.Display.RhinoViewport vp; //used to get and set rhino camera properties

These examples are of course very simple, but you don’t have to stop here. Once you’ve got the gist of it, this approach reveals not only the ability to manipulate the view but it allows a huge range of creativity. For example, I rendered OpenStreetMap data in Grasshopper and manipulated the camera to follow a road.

You can download the Grasshopper file to set the camera along a curve like the above video from here.

Planning a ski trip to Japan: A ski map of Hokkaido

As part of my research into my first ski trip in Japan, I have been researching the different places to go.

I am a relative beginner with little over a week of experience, but I’m wanting somewhere with the best snow, a good mix of slopes, and away from the crowds. In Hokkaido, we’re spoilt for choice and it can be quite bewildering to know where to go, where to stay and how to get around.

I put together the map of Hokkaido ski resorts below as an evolving work to help understand the different regions in Hokkaido for skiing. I haven’t actually been to any of the places below yet, but it is quite a useful tool for putting together my plans. I have also saved piste maps into each of the resorts – zoom in and click a ski icon to take a look.

Full screen version: click here.

It seems that many of the most exciting and promising resorts can be accessed within a couple of hours of Sapporo by train, even the distant Tomamu in the east. With a JR pass, it’s very easy to get about by train, and it will likely be cheaper to stay in Sapporo and do day trips to lots of different resorts. Furano is the only significant exception that’s a little too far – maybe a couple of days at a hotel there?

The PowderHounds website (and their own ski map) was an excellent resource in my map and my own planning. I recommend you take a look, especially at their list of top resorts.

Anything I’ve missed out? Any other amazing places you can recommend?

Vastly improve Grasshopper component performance by NOT using data types??

Scripting components in Grasshopper can be a great way to get extra power and functionality for those comfortable with C# or VB. It can also be a much tidier way of doing certain tasks than using components, such as using mathematical formulae on a list of values.

Calculating the minimum value in a list of numbers is a great example of this – difficult to do using Grasshopper but dead easy with a few lines of script. The algorithm is simple – look through every item in the list, keeping track of the smallest item found. When we are at the end of the list, simply return this smallest value.

To implement this in Grasshopper, we can use the C# component. We’d start by specifying the input data types by right-clicking on the input, selecting ‘list’ and selecting ‘double’.


Then we’d go into the component and add our code.

  private void RunScript(List<double> x, ref object A)

    double minsofar = x[0];

    foreach(double val in x)
      minsofar = Math.Min(val, minsofar);

    A = minsofar;


This works fine and gives the expected result.

But try and run this code for quite a large list, say 100000 items. This takes around a second to compute. Not an especially long time, but for such a simple calculation it still adds a noticeable lag to the canvas. I just accepted it for what it was, thinking maybe that’s simply how long it actually takes to run a bit of code.

One day, I was writing another simple component and was feeling especially lazy. I couldn’t be bothered to do the right-clicking malarkey, and decided to just cast the data types in the Grasshopper component itself. Again, there was a large list going into the component, but to my surprise it calculated in mere milliseconds. Investigating further, I found that this speed difference occurs time and time again, and can be easily demonstrated:


Here, we have a list of 100000 numbers (a series of doubles) and we’re trying to find the smallest value among them. (Of course, with an ascending series it’s going to be the first value, but the algorithm doesn’t know that.) The code for the first C# component is:

    double minsofar = x[0];

    foreach(double val in x)
      minsofar = Math.Min(val, minsofar);

    A = minsofar;

This is the same as before – we have set the input data type (called x) as double, and assumed that x is a double in the code. This consistently takes 1.2s to calculate on my laptop.

The code for the second C# component is:

    double minsofar = (double) x[0];

    foreach(object val in x)
      minsofar = Math.Min((double) val, minsofar);

    A = minsofar;

The only difference here is that we don’t tell the component input to expect a particular data type – we leave it set as ‘object’. (We still have to tell it it’s going to be a list.) Then, in the code, whenever we want to do something with this list that can only be applied as numbers, we cast the item in the list we are looking at as a double, e.g. x[0] becomes (double)x[0].

The difference this makes is astonishing – we go from a calculation time of 1.2s to a tiny 7 milliseconds.

Why this is I don’t know. Whether it works for other data types I am still investigating, and it would be great to hear if this technique is repeated elsewhere in different scenarios.

In the meantime, the lesson is clear: if you are looking to optimise your canvas as much as possible, it is worth trying to cast your variables inside your component instead.

Download the example file:

Angle between two vectors

Something rather simple but I keep forgetting how to do it: what is the angle between any two vectors? It’s simple when you know how (as well as being an opportunity to try LaTeX for WordPress!):

cos\theta=\frac{\sum{uv}}{\left\{(\sum u^2)(\sum v^2)\right\}^{0.5}}=\frac{\textbf{u'v}}{\left\{(\textbf{u'u})(\textbf{v'v})\right\}^{0.5}}


Find the angle between two vectors in 3D space:


cos\theta=\frac{\sum{uv}}{\left\{(\sum u^2)(\sum v^2)\right\}^{0.5}}=\frac{5\times10+0\times2+0\times5}{\left\{(5^2+0^2+0^2)(10^2+2^2+5^2)\right\}^{0.5}}=\frac{50}{\left\{25\times129\right\}^{0.5}}=0.880 \therefore\theta=28.3\textdegree

This technique can be used for any number of dimensions. For 2D space (e.g. vectors on a graph on a piece of paper) u and v will each contain two values instead of three, and the calculation is then done in the same way.

C# code example

  //returns angle between two vectors
  //input two vectors u and v
  //for 'returndegrees' enter true for an answer in degrees, false for radians
  double AngleBetween(Vector3d u, Vector3d v, bool returndegrees)
    double toppart = 0;
    for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++) toppart += u[d] * v[d];

    double u2 = 0; //u squared
    double v2 = 0; //v squared
    for (int d = 0; d < 3; d++)
      u2 += u[d] * u[d];
      v2 += v[d] * v[d];

    double bottompart = 0;
    bottompart = Math.Sqrt(u2 * v2);

    double rtnval = Math.Acos(toppart / bottompart);
    if(returndegrees) rtnval *= 360.0 / (2 * Math.PI);
    return rtnval;

Using Generics in C#

When we write a method in C#, we often want to specify an input and a return for it. Since C# is a strongly typed language, it likes to know exactly what data type these inputs and returns are.

Let’s take an example, which takes a 2D array of data and returns a specified row as a list:

public List<string> GetRowOf2dArray(string[,] array, int rowNo)
    List<string> rtnlist = new List<string>();
    for (int i = 0; i < array.GetLength(0); i++)
        rtnlist.Add(array[i, rowNo]);
    return rtnlist;

This is all well and good if we only want to use strings. But what happens if, later on, we want to use the function with a list of doubles?

We might decide to create a copy of the method:

public List<double> GetRowOf2dArray(double[,] array, int rowNo)
    List<double> rtnlist = new List<double>();
    for (int i = 0; i < array.GetLength(0); i++)
        rtnlist.Add(array[i, rowNo]);
    return rtnlist;

Now, at the interface level, we can extract a row whether we have a matrix of doubles or of strings, and return them in the correct data type.

string[,] branchPaths = new string[5, 5];
for (int i = 0; i < branchPaths.GetLength(0); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < branchPaths.GetLength(1); j++)
        branchPaths[i, j] = "I am cell " + i.ToString() + ", " + j.ToString() + ".";

var rtnList = new List<string>();
rtnList = tst.GetRowOf2dArray(branchPaths, 0);

But, we’re already running into problems. We basically had to copy and paste the GetRow…() method above, which is already bad practice. What if we want to change something, or we find there’s a bug? We’d have to make the change in every copy of GetRow…(). And what if we want to use the method with yet another data type, such as an array of integers? We’d have to keep copying and pasting for every data type.

One way around this is instead to write the method using objects as the type. Since all types inherit from the object type, we can write the method once and cast the specific data types. A very simple example is:

public bool IsEqual(object v1, object v2)
    if (v1 == v2) return true;
    else return false;

double a = 2;
double b = 3;
bool areTheyEqual = IsEqual(a, b); //returns false

However, this gives a lot of problems, which are explained in more depth here. Basically, using objects means that we lose performance due to casting, and we lose control since all data types can be casted to and from objects. What we want is a way to create a method suitable for multiple data types, but where we still can feel safe that the user won’t break our method with a strange data type.


This is solved with generics. As well as feeding in parameters to our methods, we can also tell the method what kind of data type we want to use it with.

This will already be familiar if you have worked with lists:

List<double> myList = new List<double>();


The bit in the angle brackets is the type – we can’t create a list without telling it what kind of data the list will contain. By writing <double>, we are saying that every item in the list will be a double. And if we wanted to create a list of strings, we don’t need to call a different method or different class, but we can still do it by calling the same class by specifying the type as string.

In short, using generics allows you to write your method once for a wide range of data types.

Back to the matrix example – in our class:

public List<T> GetRowOf2dArray<T>(T[,] array, int rowNo)
    List<T> rtnlist = new List<T>();
    for (int i = 0; i < array.GetLength(0); i++)
         rtnlist.Add(array[i, rowNo]);
    return rtnlist;

int[,] branchPaths = new int[5, 5];
for (int i = 0; i < branchPaths.GetLength(0); i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < branchPaths.GetLength(1); j++)
        branchPaths[i, j] = i*100 + j;

var rtnList = new List<int>();
rtnList = tst.GetRowOf2dArray<int>(branchPaths, 2);

T is the placeholder for the type. When the user calls the method, T will hold a data type, such as string or int. In this example, both an input (T[,]) and the return type (List<T>) have data types that must be carried by the user. The place where the user specifies the data type carried by T is in GetRowOf2dArray<T>. So when the user calls the method, they only need to specify T once. T can then be used wherever necessary throughout the method.


MSDN – An introduction to C# generics
MSDN – Generics (C# programming guide)

Changing input names for custom C# Grasshopper components

Edit input names of a GH component

The two components above look similar but are actually the same. What’s the difference? When a single item is connected to the first input, saving is enabled in the bottom input. When a list is connected to the first input, saving is disabled.

When we are writing custom Grasshopper components in C# in Visual Studio, this is very easy. All we do is, somewhere within the SolveInstance method, modify the input properties to change the name, then manually add some code to allow for our desired saving behaviour.

protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
   if(Input0.Count == 1)
       Params.Input[6].NickName = "save";
       Params.Input[6].Name = "Save";
   else if (Input0.Count > 1)
       Params.Input[6].NickName = "----";
       Params.Input[6].Name = "Save (Disabled)";

In fact, by going to


where i is the index of the input we are interested in, we can access lots of interesting properties and methods to bring new interesting behaviour to our Grasshopper components. We can even do the same to our outputs with Params.Output[i].

And it’s not just limited to the parameter inputs and outputs either. By using


we can browse the properties and methods which affect the whole component. For example, we can add a warning to our component by adding the line below to our SolveInstance code:

this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "You did a booboo.");

Custom error message on a Grasshopper component

Keyboard reader for Grasshopper

A prototype way of interacting with Grasshopper with the keyboard. Press any character key on the keyboard to send true/false values to Grasshopper.

It uses the Global Mouse and Keyboard Hook classes by George Mamaladze to intercept key up/down events. I have written two components that turns these key events into true/false commands – if a key is raised, ‘false’ is sent, and if pressed, ‘true’ is sent.

Keyboard reader with 6 pre-filled keys
Keyboard reader with 6 pre-filled keys

In the component above, 6 keys have been hard-coded. (I have been using this as part of video game-like WASD camera control in Rhino.) The component below accepts any character (and possibly any key on the keyboard if you’re lucky enough to find the correct character code for each key.)

Keyboard reader with any letter of the keyboard
Keyboard reader with any letter of the keyboard


To install, download the file at the bottom of this page. Unzip and copy the two files (one GHA and one DLL) into your Grasshopper components folder. To use, set up as in the images above, and remember to attach a timer with a short interval. You may need to unblock the file within Windows if you are having problems. (Right click each of the two files in Windows Explorer, click Properties, and click Unblock.)

Source code

The source code of the Grasshopper components is available at GitHub.

The classes for interacting with the keyboard must (at least for the moment) be downloaded separately, and are available here.

Adding names and descriptions to C# components in Grasshopper

Adding names and descriptions to inputs in custom components makes it easier for other users to understand your component. You can add these even within the C# component within Grasshopper by adding a few lines somewhere within your code:


Then, when the user hovers over an input, it should look like this:


Rendering cities in Rhino with OpenStreetMap data

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

Using the freely available map data from OpenStreetMap (OSM), it is possible to create maps and renders of towns and cities within Rhino.

Most of the hard work was done by the creators of Elk, a plugin for Grasshopper that parses OSM data files and returns geometry sorted into roads, rivers, railway lines and so on. It’s then just a matter of taking that geometry and modifying it to suit your visual requirements.

And once the data’s in Grasshopper, we can do all the usual crazy Grasshoppery stuff to it. In the last image above, I connected the buildings up to a bit of C# to show its distance to a given point using colour. I think I like this version of Bath more…

2015/03/31 Update: How to do this yourself

Great news! After some digging around I have stumbled upon the Grasshopper definition I used to create this. If you want to do this for your own town, it is quite simple:

  1. Visit OpenStreetMap. Zoom into the area of interest, click ‘Export’ at the top, and then the blue ‘Export’ button on the left. The file size should be much less than 10MB for decent performance. If the file is too big then zoom in and try again.
  2. Download Elk – which provides the Grasshopper components to parse the OSM file
  3. Download my Grasshopper definition and open it in Grasshopper. At the very left, import the OSM file.

This definition was made many months ago when my knowledge of meshes (and how to make them faster) was much less. I’ve since become more proficient in making really lightweight meshes. I think that Grasshopper can handle much larger maps than this current definition will allow, and one day I plan to see how far I can take it. But this will have to do for now 🙂

2015/07/11 Update 2

As promised, I have had another go at this, and I have now modelled the entire centre of my city York. Take a look and download the GH file here.