
Giulio PiacentinoArchitect, Grasshopper, RhinoScript
Peter von BuelowEvolutionary algorithms, interactive design tools University of Michigan
CAAD BlogBlog, computer-aided design and research ETH, Zurich
Parametric WorldBlog, parametric design, images
smartgeometryArchitectural design, computational tools; conference
Chicago ComputationComputation, interdisciplinary design, group blog
Nathaniel JonesBlog, computational design
designalyzeBlog, computational design. Lots of excellent video tutorials for Grasshopper, Python and so o
MadeInCaliforniaParametric design in Grasshopper and Rhino
Ramboll Computational DesignBlog for Ramboll's computational design team
Sébastien PerraultBlog, architecture, parametric design
WeWantToLearnBlog from the Westminster University School of Architecture and the Built Environment. Lots of examples of parametric design and computational design in architecture, lots of tutorials and further links.
HackerLeagueInternational list of hackathons
Fraser GreenroydA colleague's blog, looking at computer science and healthcare