Category: Systems Centre
Filming: Day 2 (22nd Aug)
This article continues on from filming day 1.
The second day of the film course was when we would take our storyboards from the 6th August, have some fun in front of a camera, and turn our ideas into professionally edited short films. The morning was scheduled for filming, and with barely time to eat, the plan was to get the film sent back to Uni and stitch the clips together into something we could be proud of. As if that didn’t sound tight enough, the weather was good and conditions were right for us to record two films. Continue reading Filming: Day 2 (22nd Aug)
Film course day at Bristol, 6th Aug
A great problem for academics and those in highly technical professions is trying to communicate what they actually do in terms that the wider public can understand. Quite often, such people can explain their research in wonderfully deep detail that sounds fascinating to anybody already in the know, but there will always come a time when it is necessary to get somebody non-technically-minded excited about your work.