Instantiate new Grasshopper objects automatically with C#

The code here is doing two things:

  • Creating a new slider automatically and positioning it on the canvas
  • Connecting this slider to the original component

This is possible with any Grasshopper object, assuming you can find the class necessary to instantiate the component you are interested in.

  private void RunScript(bool x, List<object> y, ref object A)

    Random rnd = new Random();

      //instantiate  new slider
      Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider slid = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider();
      slid.CreateAttributes(); //sets up default values, and makes sure your slider doesn't crash rhino
      //customise slider (position, ranges etc)
      int inputcount = this.Component.Params.Input[1].SourceCount;
      slid.Attributes.Pivot = new PointF((float) this.Component.Attributes.DocObject.Attributes.Bounds.Left - slid.Attributes.Bounds.Width - 30, (float) this.Component.Params.Input[1].Attributes.Bounds.Y + inputcount * 30);
      slid.Slider.Maximum = 10;
      slid.Slider.Minimum = 0;
      slid.Slider.DecimalPlaces = 2;
      slid.SetSliderValue((decimal) (rnd.Next(1000) * 0.01));
      //Until now, the slider is a hypothetical object.
      // This command makes it 'real' and adds it to the canvas.
      GrasshopperDocument.AddObject(slid, false);

      //Connect the new slider to this component


Thanks to Nicolas Chaulet who uncovered a lot of the code above.

Create a list of Rhino geometry within a Grasshopper component using GeometryBase

How to create a generic, mixed list of geometry within a Grasshopper component, and send it to a single output:

class GeometryBuilder
    public GeometryBuilder()

    //property - declare our geometry list here
    private List<Rhino.Geometry.GeometryBase> geom = new List<Rhino.Geometry.GeometryBase>();
    public List<Rhino.Geometry.GeometryBase> Geom
    { get { return geom; } set { geom = value; }}

    public BuildGeometry()
        //add a line
        //lines don't inherit from GeometryBase, so we can't cast it to be in
        // our Geom list, but we can convert it to a NurbsCurve, which does.
        Rhino.Geometry.Line ln = new Line(new Point3d(0,0,0), new Point3d(1,1,0));

        //Meshes DO inherit from GeometryBase, so we can add them to Geom directly
        Rhino.Geometry.Mesh msh = someOtherMesh;

        //Generally, things within Rhino.Geometry that are classes can be cast to GeometryBase.
        //Things which are structs can not, though there is usually a sensible way to convert them.

        //Point3d is a struct, so we can't cast it to GeometryBase.
        //The Rhino Point is a class, and it contains a constructor converting from Point3d
        Rhino.Geometry.Point3d pt3d = new Point3d(5,2,0);
        Rhino.Geometry.Point pt = new Point(pt3d);

class GrasshopperComponent : GH_Component
    //constructors etc...

    //set inputs

    //set outputs
    protected override void RegisterOutputParams(GH_Component.GH_OutputParamManager pManager)
        //our output is created using the 'AddGeometryParameter' method. Remember to set 'access' to 'list'.
        pManager.AddGeometryParameter("My Geometry","my geom","This is a list of generic geometry", GH_ParamAccess.list);

    protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
        //generate our list of geometry from the class we made
        var GeometryBuilder gb = new GeometryBuilder();

        //the geometry is now saved within the Geom property of our gb instance of GeometryBuilder.
        //All we need to do now is send the geometry to the Grasshopper output
        DA.SetDataList(0, gb.Geom);

Multithreading a foreach loop in a Grasshopper component in C#

Grasshopper itself is a single-threaded process. That is, even if you have a very complicated calculation going on, and you have a powerful computer with many cores, it persists in using a single core. This is very frustrating when you end up waiting a long time for calculations to complete.

However, it doesn’t have to be the case that each component is single-threaded. Nearly all components are single-threaded, but when you create your own compiled component, there’s nothing to stop you from defying convention and making some lightning-fast multi-threaded components. And, as I have just found out, it’s very easy to set up.

While the code is simple, knowing when it is okay to use multi-threaded logic is a bit more challenging. Multi-threading works best when you have a single repetitive task. Rather than multithreading the entire component, you select bits of your code that are taking a long time to calculate, and set those up for multithreading.

Say you have a foreach loop. You might be looping through a list of 100000 points in a model, checking if they are intersecting a shape. You then build a list of true/false that describes if each point is intersecting that shape. In regular single-threaded programming, your loop would go through each point one at a time, doing the intersection result and saving the result to your list.

This is a prime candidate for multithreading. The task is repetitive, and very importantly, each loop is independent, i.e. any one loop’s action does not depend on the result of any other loop.

With multi-threading, instead of running one at a time, we can divide the task up for each core on your computer. For example, if you have 2 cores, one core does half of the loops and the other does the other half.

.NET has some very useful classes/methods that really simplify setting this up. There are many of these for different tasks, but here we will focus on one in particular. Note that, as far as I know, these parallelisation tricks only work for compiled components (such as those created in Visual Studio) and won’t work in the c# script component within Grasshopper.

How to convert a ‘foreach’ loop into a parallel foreach loop

Let’s say you have the following foreach loop, which sends an output of results to Grasshopper:

var results = new List<bool>(new bool[pts.Count]);
foreach (Point3d pt in pts)
    bool isIntersecting = CheckIntersection(pt, shape);

DA.SetDataList(0, results);

This code uses a method I wrote, CheckIntersection, to see if a list of points are interacting with an input shape.

We set up a list to take our results, we cycle through our points, do a calculation on each, and then save the result. When finished, we send the result as an output back to Grasshopper. Simple enough.

The best thing to do is I show you how to parallelise this, and then explain what’s happening. Here’s the parallel version of the above code:

var results = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<Point3d, bool>(Environment.ProcessorCount, pts.Count);
foreach (Point3d pt in pts) results[pt] = false; //initialise dictionary

Parallel.ForEach(pt, pts=>
    bool isIntersecting = CheckIntersection(pt, shape);
    results[pt] = isIntersecting; //save your output here

DA.SetDataList(0, results.Values); //send back to GH output

Going from ‘foreach’ to ‘Parallel.ForEach’

The Parallel.ForEach method is what is doing the bulk of the work for us in parallelising our foreach loop. Rather than waiting for each loop to finish as in single threaded, the Parallel.ForEach hands out loops to each core to each of them as they become free. It is very simple – we don’t have to worry about dividing tasks between the processors, as it handles all that for us.

Aside from the slightly different notation, the information we provide is the same when we set up the loop. We are reading from collection ‘pts’, and the current item we are reading within ‘pts’ we will call ‘pt’.

The concurrent dictionary

One real problem though with multithreading the same task is that sometimes two or more processes can attempt to overwrite the same piece of data. This creates data errors, which may or may not be silent. This is why we don’t use a List for the multithreading example – List provides no protection from multiple processes attempting to write into itself.

Instead, we use the ConcurrentDictionary. The ConcurrentDictionary is a member of the Concurrent namespace, which provides a range of classes that allow us to hold and process data without having to worry about concurrent access problems. The ConcurrentDictionary works just about the same as regular Dictionaries, but for our purposes we can use it much like a list.

It is a little more complicated to set up, as you need to specify keys for each value in the dictionary, as well as the value itself. (I have used dictionaries once before here.) Rather than having a collection of items in an order that we can look up with the index (the first item is 0, the second item is 1 and so on) in a dictionary we look up items by referring to a specific item. This specific item is called the ‘key’. Here, I am using the points as the key, and then saving their associated value (the results we are trying to calculate) as a bool.

How much faster is parallel computation?

Basic maths will tell you that you will that your code should increase at a rate of how many cores you have. With my 4-core machine, I might expect a 60 second single-threaded loop to complete in about 15 seconds.

However, there are extra overheads in parallel processing. Dividing up the work, waiting for processes to finish towards the end, and working with the concurrent dictionary, all take up processor power that would otherwise be used in computing the problem itself.

In reality, you will still likely get a substantial improvement compared to single-threaded performance. With 4 cores, I am finding I am getting a performance improvement of around 2.5 to 3.5 times. So a task that would normally take 60 seconds is now taking around 20 seconds.

Two Grasshopper components showing processing time difference between single-threaded and multi-threaded computation


Thanks to David Greenwood for getting me started with multithreading. Front image source under CC licence.

Check whether points are inside a polyline curve in Grasshopper with C#

Let’s say you have a polyline in Grasshopper. You also have some points, some of them inside the curve and some of them outside. You want to sort the points depending on whether they are inside or outside the curve.

This component allows you to do that. Input your polyline and your points to check. The ‘A’ list will contain the points inside the curve, and the ‘B’ list will contain the points outside the curve.


This will then produce the following output:

A check in Grasshopper to test whether points are inside a polyline curve

Download component

The following component is a user object that allows the input of a single polyline.

If you are working with multiple polylines, and want to check that points are inside or outside every polyline at once, have a look at this file instead.

Source code

If you prefer, you can use the source code directly from below. It is formatted for the C# component in Grasshopper, though of course it can be easily generalised.

private void RunScript(List<Point3d> pts, Polyline crv, ref object A, ref object B)

    var inside = new List<Point3d>();
    var outside = new List<Point3d>();

    foreach (Point3d pt in pts)
      if(IsInside(pt, crv))
      else outside.Add(pt);
    A = inside;
    B = outside;


  // <Custom additional code> 

  bool IsInside (Point3d pt, Polyline crv)
    Point3d pt1, pt2;
    bool oddNodes = false;

    for (int i = 0; i < crv.SegmentCount; i++) //for each contour line

      pt1 = crv.SegmentAt(i).From; //get start and end pt
      pt2 = crv.SegmentAt(i).To;

      if ( (pt1[1] < pt[1] && pt2[1] >= pt[1] || pt2[1] < pt[1] && pt1[1] >= pt[1]) && (pt1[0] <= pt[0] || pt2[0] <= pt[0]) ) //if pt is between pts in y, and either of pts is before pt in x
        oddNodes ^= ( pt2[0] + (pt[1] - pt2[1]) * (pt1[0] - pt2[0]) / (pt1[1] - pt2[1]) < pt[0] ); //^= is xor
      //end.X + (pt-end).Y   * (start-end).X  /(start-end).Y   <   pt.X

    if (!oddNodes)
      double minDist = 1e10;
      for (int i = 0; i < crv.SegmentCount; i++) {
        Point3d cp = crv.SegmentAt(i).ClosestPoint(pt, true);
        //Point3d cp = mvContour[i].closestPoint(pt);
        //minDist = min(minDist, cp.distance(pt));
        minDist = Math.Min(minDist, cp.DistanceTo(pt));
      if (minDist < 1e-10)
        return true;

    if(oddNodes) return true;

    return false;

FastMesh v2: The stupidly easy way of creating efficient meshes from polylines

In a recent post, I found that converting polylines to meshes in Grasshopper can be problematic. Using a patch to create a mesh from a curve is slow, and directly converting from a curve to a mesh resulted in an inefficent mesh with too many faces.


Mesh in Grasshopper

It seemed that in Grasshopper, there was no easy way to create efficient meshes from closed polylines, so I set about creating my own component. It produced meshes like this:

A simple mesh in Rhino, created in Grasshopper

But in cases with more complicated geometry, it didn’t always work – in the details, it would sometimes miss out triangles, or the mesh edge didn’t quite line up with the original boundary.

Revisiting the problem today, my colleague David Greenwood pointed me towards a method he’d found within the Rhino API – and we can access it in both the C# component and through visual studio. This method produces a mesh from a closed polyline – but amazingly, it returns the kind of efficient mesh we were wanting all along. And as a bonus, it’s really fast too!

The command you need is very simple:

A = Rhino.Geometry.Mesh.CreateFromClosedPolyline(pline);

We tried this method to create the roof tops of a whole city centre, with over 11000 building outlines as polylines. This is the result:


Click the image above for full size.

Zooming in on an image, we can see that, bearing in mind that mesh faces like to be in triangles, the meshes seem to be roughly as efficient as we could imagine:


And how long did these 11000 meshes take to generate? About half a second!


And if, instead of using the C# component, we write the code into a compiled component, such as when we create components with Visual Studio, the time is less than 300ms.

And if that is still too slow, we could also parallelise it, potentially bringing that time under 100ms.

So much for ripping out my hair trying to write my own algorithm or dig around for one elsewhere – I needn’t have bothered because it’s already implemented in Rhino!

Remotely change the value of any number slider in Grasshopper with C#

The slider in Grasshopper doesn’t have an input. That means that only a user with a mouse can change it, right?


A slider with some kind of input is an ongoing topic on the Grasshopper forum. I know myself I’ve been in the position many times where I’ve defined a number with a slider, only to realise I later need Grasshopper to be changing that number for me. In lieu of an updated slider, I have come up with a solution…

Following on from my earlier post on adding a coloured progress bar to Grasshopper sliders, it became apparent that it’s in fact very easy to change the values of a slider with a bit of code. Watch the video below to see what I mean:

The only hard bit is figuring out how to ‘connect’ to the slider you want to modify. Basically, we look at the objects connected to our C# component, and try to convert them to a slider. If this is successful, then we know we have a slider, and we can start changing its properties.

Modify the slider value

This is the same code as what was in the video above. It simply reads in a value, finds a slider connected to x, and changes the ‘x’ slider to the ‘y’ value.

  private void RunScript(object x, double y, ref object A)
    var input = Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0]; //get the first thing connected to the first input of this component
    var slider = input as Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider; //try to cast that thing as a slider

    if(slider != null) //if the component was successfully cast as a slider
      slider.SetSliderValue((decimal) y);

Change the slider min and max values

Changing the minimum and maximum values on the slider is also easy. To do this, we need to dig into the slider a little more. Inside slider.Slider, there are lots more hidden properties which are fun to play with:

  private void RunScript(object x, double y, ref object A)
    var input = Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0]; //get the first thing connected to the first input of this component
    var slider = input as Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider; //try to cast that thing as a slider

    if(slider != null) //if the component was successfully cast as a slider
      slider.Slider.Minimum = 0;
      slider.Slider.Maximum = y;

Change the appearance of a slider

There are lots of options hidden away for changing the appearance of a slider – my last post being one, adding progress bar by changing the slider’s ‘rail’.

There are lots of further options for changing the background colour, adding a border, or adding shadows.

Change the background and border of a slider in Grasshopper with the C# component

  private void RunScript(object x, double y, ref object A)
    var input = Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0]; //get the first thing connected to the first input of this component
    var slider = (Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider) input; //try to cast that thing as a slider

    if(slider != null) //if the component was successfully cast as a slider
      slider.Slider.DrawControlBackground = true;
      slider.Slider.DrawControlBorder = true;
      slider.Slider.ControlEdgeColour = Color.Blue;
      slider.Slider.ControlBackColour = Color.Aquamarine;

However, like changing the rail type, these changes are always lost when a user manually changes the slider. Obviously, what’s happening in the background is there is a separate process being called to ‘clean’ the slider whenever the slider value is changed via the UI. Finding it is a challenge though. If anyone knows the solution, I’d be glad to hear!

Cool Grasshopper hack: Set the slider rail colour

I’ve just discovered a cool feature for the Grasshopper number slider: You can add a ‘progress bar’ rail colour directly within the slider itself!

Using three sliders in grasshopper with RBG red green blue colours to add a progress bar to a number slider in Grasshopper

This is a feature built into Grasshopper itself. As far as I know, it is not accessible using the GUI, and the only way to get to it is using the API, such as by writing a bit of C#.

How to add a progress bar to a Grasshopper slider

The basic idea is that we use C# to find the slider we are interested in. Once we have found it, we can access the slider properties in the API. It was here I found the ‘rail’ property.

There are two key things we need to know, which I have covered in previous posts:

  • How to access the properties of any component in the Grasshopper canvas (link to post)
  • How to send data ‘backwards’ along a wire (link to post)

We also need the Color.FromArbg() method to define a new colour.

C# code

We can implement this with the C# component in Grasshopper. Set r, g, and b as integers.

  private void RunScript(object x, int r, int g, int b, ref object A)
    var input = (Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0]); //get the first thing connected to the first input of this component
    var slider = (Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider) input; //try to cast that thing as a slider

    if(slider != null) //if the component was successfully cast as a slider
      decimal max = slider.Slider.Maximum;
      Color c = Color.FromArgb(255, r, g, b);
      slider.Slider.RailDisplay = Grasshopper.GUI.Base.GH_SliderRailDisplay.Filled; //add progress bar
      slider.Slider.RailFullColour = c; //set progress bar colour

Watch the colour update in real time


This is shamelessly a hacky bit of Grasshoppery fun. As much as I like it, this implementation is still not perfect. Whenever you directly change the slider you have edited the colour of, the progress bar disappears. It seems that in the slider.SetSliderValue() method, Grasshopper is setting the slider rail back to the Simple value (the default).

This perhaps points towards the idea that the colour bar was never meant to be implemented at all, and why it can’t be found in the user interface. Or it could point to the possibility that I have just done something wrong, and there is something else I need to implement!

Force a component to re-compute in Grasshopper

Wouldn’t something like this be useful in Grasshopper?


Often, I am working with data files on my computer through Grasshopper. When those data files change, there may be no easy way for dependent Grasshopper components to update. One solution is to disconnect and re-connect a wire into that component. This is quite tedious though, especially in large documents. It is also possible to recalculate the entire canvas with right click, recompute. But this is not feasible if you have components in your canvas which take a long time to calculate.

You may want to read this post which talks a bit about the nitty-gritty of how Grasshopper does calculations. Basically, for each component, in the background there is a property called ‘expired’. If ‘expired’ is true, then Grasshopper that it has to recalculate that component. So if we can manually set this property for components we want to update, we can force a recalculation on only these components (and the components directly downstream of them).

The following C# script does exactly this. Set up a C# component as in the image with the code at the bottom.


Then, select components you want to recompute. (Here, I have selected two path files, which links to files I want to re-read.) Finally, hit the button on the left. The result is that the paths recompute, which then triggers a recalculation of the components downstream. The rest of the document (including some very heavy components) remains untouched.

It’s not quite the right-click option I showed above, but in the meantime it’s a pretty effective solution which I hope is useful.


  private void RunScript(bool expire_them, ref object A)
    //fore each component on the canvas
    foreach (IGH_DocumentObject obj in GrasshopperDocument.Objects)
      //if that component is selected
        //...and if expire_them = true, then expire that component and ask it to recompute
        if(expire_them) obj.ExpireSolution(true);


Convert a network of roads into 2D curve plans in Grasshopper

Building on from my Road Maker, where the centrelines of roads can be converted into 2D meshes suitable for rendering more realistic roads in Grasshopper (as done here), a recent task at the office required that these meshes then be turned into a collection of curves marking the outline of the road.

This Grasshopper script enables you to do this, using a couple of standard Grasshopper components. The basic workflow used here is to get a network of roads using Elk and OSM data.


The Road Maker then converts this network into 2D meshes. We then extract the mesh edges and then use the RUnion to tidy it up as much as possible. The final result isn’t perfect but should minimise the amount of manual work needed at the end.


We should then get a result that looks like:


Remove nulls from a list using the C# component in Grasshopper

This simple script removes nulls from a list in Grasshopper. It preserves all data types and other data that you pass through it.


To set up, copy the code below into a standard C# component in Grasshopper. Set input x as a list. Feed your list into x. The return ‘A’ will return the list x with nulls removed.

    var rtnlist = new List<object>();

    foreach (object obj in x)
      if (obj != null) rtnlist.Add(obj);

    A = rtnlist;

The other C# (counting nulls) in the image came from this post.