In February, Google announced that the Picasa desktop application would no longer be supported from 15 March 2016. This page is an unofficial mirror that will allow you to download Picasa after this date.
For those of us looking for a simple yet flexible photo editor that works locally on your computer, Picasa was the answer. The replacement, Google Photos, is pretty cool, but it’s only good when there is an internet connection. As a way to organise photos on your computer, I have yet to find anything better.
You can download Picasa using the link above. Note that I am offering this download as a mirror only. This software was created by Google and is now unsupported, including for bug fixes and security updates. Use at your own risk.
Creating a mesh from a curve can be challenging in Grasshopper. Most ways of doing it involve creating a surface and then meshing that surface. And once the mesh is made, it often has inconsistent face densities, with unusual points of high point density.
The mathematics behind these methds are fine for the general case (any closed curve in any alignment), but in cases where we have a planar polyline (i.e. no curved segments, such as a room or building outline) and where this curve lies in the XY plane, we can use a highly optimised algorithm.
FastMesh is my attempt. Simply connect a polyline (or list of polylines) and it will mesh those curves – without the heavy operation of creating intermediary surfaces. I have attempted to ensure that points are distributed evenly in a grid-like pattern (so it is suitable for creating analysis meshes for tools like Honeybee), and you can optionally control the distance between points by inputting a distance into ‘s’. If you leave ‘s’ blank (or set it to 0) it will create a mesh with a minimum number of faces, creating extremely light meshes, for example in creating buildings with Elk.
The principle of my method is that it generates a collection of mesh points, and removes any mesh points that don’t lie inside the curve. It then performs a Delaunay Triangulation on remaining points. For concave shapes, triangles will be formed that fall outside the curve, which are removed.
A desktop remote control for Spotify. Control Spotify from a convenient widget that sits at the bottom of your desktop.
SpotifyMini allows you to control Spotify from your desktop
With Spotify Mini, you can pause, play, change tracks, and view the current track, all without opening the main Spotify window. It is fully animated, and uses the 2010 Spotify skin.
This is a small project I made in 2010 using the Spotify-o-matic API wrapper to interact with Spotify. It is written in VB, and has largely been untouched since then. The source code is published at GitHub. Please note that this widget is entirely unaffiliated with Spotify itself.
Play, pause and change tracks in Spotify from the desktop
Drag title to move into different positions on the desktop
Compact mode to hide the track title
Animated and skinned interface
Assumes taskbar is positioned to the side or top of the desktop (as mine is…)
Ability to search and open the Spotify window is currently disabled (Spotify is now installed in the user directory, and I haven’t got round to properly updating it…)
Spotify should not be minimised (though it’s okay if it’s behind other windows)
The source code is available here. If you just want to run it, click the link here:
Note that Windows may block the file for security. If you trust the file (i.e. if you trust me) and you are having problems, you may need to right-click on the file, go to properties, and click the ‘unblock’ button.