It is very easy to delve into the files and folders on your computer in C#. The DirectoryInfo class contains a wealth of methods for reading, creating and modifying files and folders.
Here is an example created in Grasshopper showing how we can use the DirectoryInfo class to get a list of subfolders contained within a folder.
Source code
This code takes in a folder path as a string, and returns a list of folder names contained within that folder.
The code is formatted for the C# component in Grasshopper but can be modified to suit any C# application.
privatevoid RunScript(string dir, refobject dirs)
System.IO.DirectoryInfo dirInfo = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(dir);
System.IO.DirectoryInfo[] dirInfos = dirInfo.GetDirectories("*.*");
List<string> dirNames = new List<string>();
foreach(System.IO.DirectoryInfo d in dirInfos)
dirs = dirNames;
Loops in programming are very powerful. Oftentimes, we want to repeat the same piece of code several times, maybe with some slight changes each time.
Grasshopper, being a visual programming interface, tries to be a little simpler and easier to grasp than the regular horror of text-based programming. One of the key losses that comes from this simplicity is the inability to natively perform loops – we cannot use the output of one component as an input for a component upstream.
This is bad!
Hoopsnake gets around this problem using an approach similar to the way that Excel deals with the problem – what it calls circular references. But while a good solution in certain cases, Hoopsnake isn’t always easy to grasp and can be clumsy to set up in larger canvases – highlighting possibly why Grasshopper has removed the ability in the first place.
David Rutten’s permutation component
An alternative solution was created by David Rutten in this post, and looks at creating loops by cycling through values in the number slider component.
Say you have a few sliders in your canvas. Rutten’s component looks for all sliders. When the slider is changed, the canvas recalculates, as always happens in Grasshopper. The component listens for when all calculations have finished, then it changes the value of one of the sliders. This of course triggers another recalculation. The component listens again for calculations to finish, and changes the slider again. It cleverly repeats this cycle until it has gone through every value in the slider. If the component has found multiple sliders, it will run through every combination of these slider values. So if you have two sliders with integer values of 0-10, the canvas will recalculate 121 times (i.e. 11 x 11).
The curse of dimensionality
Nowadays, Grasshopper is being used for much larger projects than ever envisaged when it was first created. GH documents are likely to have many dozens of sliders. If we have 20 sliders each with just 11 possible settings, Rutten’s component will force the recalculation 11^20 times – i.e. 672 billion billion times! (This concept of small numbers multiplying up very quickly is something referred to as the curse of dimensionality and is a big challenge when designing computational algorithms on large data sets.)
Mostapha’s modification
Perhaps in recognition to the Curse of Dimensionality, or simply the need that you might not want to involve every slider in your canvas in your recursion, Mostapha Roudsari has created a modified version of Rutten’s component. You can find it as part of his example files for his Honeybee plugin. (Jump to example 6, “Parametric grid-based analysis” and look for the component called “runItAll”.)
The key change in this component is that there is now an input called “mySliders”. Instead of running through all sliders like Rutton’s solution, this component will only cycle through those sliders connected to “mySliders”. While very powerful, this creates an initially surprising behaviour since, visually, it looks like the action to change a slider flows backwards along the wire!
If no wires are connected, then the component resorts to Rutten’s component’s behaviour of modifying the values of all sliders in the canvas. This is still useful when you want to modify all sliders without spending time connecting them up.
My token improvement
This component has proven very useful for my own parametric studies, and I have been using it a lot. By using it a lot though, I have made a lot of mistakes. I’ve found it’s all too easy to accidentally run it and realise you’ve connected the wrong sliders, and find that you’ve asked Grasshopper to run a billion permutations, which GH diligently makes a happy start with. The only solution is to kill Grasshopper and reload.
I have added a message box that fires when you press the start button. This tells you the name of the connected sliders that the component will cycle through, and will calculate the number of permutations. You are then free to proceed or cancel.
You can download this component as a UserObject here:
This component has proven to be very useful in parametric studies. For example, if you are looking at optimal depth of window shading to control glare from the sun, you might set the depth of the shading with a slider. You can then set up a run where the glare values are automatically calculated for different shading depths.
Using a slider is quite limited however. What if you want to explore values of 0, 0.5 and 1 only? It is not possible to create a slider containing these three values. One solution is to connect a slider to a ListItem component (below) but this is quite a clumsy solution that takes time to set up and modify.
I have been looking at different components that can be modified remotely. For example, is it possible to use the Num component to hold modified values instead of the slider component? In a couple of recent posts, we have been looking at the ways that data is programatically stored within Grasshopper components. (Short answer – it’s possible to access, but not easy or obvious how to do it!)
Eventually, I want to be able to have a component where input values can be modified within a range. We don’t necessarily need to do an orthogonal grid of values like the recursive slider solution provides. If we are doing a parametric study, there are numerous other ways of choosing which discrete values we want to select as a sample within our ranges. This is a whole field called design of experiements which I am beginning to touch upon.
Appendix: BatchRun source code
privatevoid RunScript(List<System.Object> mySliders, bool startme)
if (!startme)
if (_running)
_run = true;
_mySliders = mySliders;
GrasshopperDocument.SolutionEnd += OnSolutionEnd;
// <Custom additional code> privatebool _run = false;
privatebool _running = false;
private List<System.Object> _mySliders;
privatestring _rtnmessage;
privatevoid OnSolutionEnd(object sender, GH_SolutionEventArgs e)
// Unregister the event, we don't want to get called again.
e.Document.SolutionEnd -= OnSolutionEnd;
// If we're not supposed to run, abort now.if (!_run)
//throw new System.ArgumentException("Parameter cannot be null", "something weird");// If we're already running, abort now.if (_running)
// Reset run and running states.
_run = false;
_running = true;
// Find the Guid for connected slides
List<System.Guid> guids = new List<System.Guid>(); //empty list for guids
Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param selSlidersInput = Component.Params.Input[0]; //ref for input where sliders are connected to this component
IList<Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param> sources = selSlidersInput.Sources; //list of things connected on this inputbool isAnythingConnected = sources.Any(); //is there actually anything connected?if (isAnythingConnected) { //if something's connected,foreach (var source in sources) //for each of these connected things:
IGH_DocumentObject component = source.Attributes.GetTopLevel.DocObject; //for this connected thing, bring it into the code in a way where we can access its properties
Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider mySlider = component as Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider; //...then cast (?) it as a sliderif (mySlider == null) //of course, if the thing isn't a slider, the cast doesn't work, so we get null. let's filter out the nullscontinue;
guids.Add(mySlider.InstanceGuid); //things left over are sliders and are connected to our input. save this guid.//we now have a list of guids of sliders connected to our input, saved in list var 'mySlider'
// Find all sliders.
List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider> sliders = new List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider>();
foreach (IGH_DocumentObject docObject in GrasshopperDocument.Objects)
Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider slider = docObject as Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider;
if (slider != null)
// check if the slider is in the selected listif (isAnythingConnected)
if (guids.Contains(slider.InstanceGuid)) sliders.Add(slider);
else sliders.Add(slider);
if (sliders.Count == 0)
System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("No sliders could be found", "<harsh buzzing sound>", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
//we now have all sliders//ask the user to give a sanity checkint totalLoops = 1;
string message = null;
foreach(Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider slider in sliders)
totalLoops *= (slider.TickCount + 1);
message += slider.ImpliedNickName;
message += "\n";
if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(sliders.Count + " slider(s) connected:\n" + message + "\n" + totalLoops.ToString() + " iterations will be done. Continue?", "Start?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.No) return;
// Set all sliders back to zero.//GH_Document.EnableSolutions = false;foreach (Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider slider in sliders)
slider.TickValue = 0;
// Start a giant loop in which we'll permutate our way across all slider layouts.while (true)
int idx = 0;
if (!MoveToNextPermutation(ref idx, sliders))
// We've just got a new valid permutation. Solve the new solution.
catch {
_rtnmessage = "something went wrong!";
finally {
// Always make sure that _running is switched off.
_running = false;
privatebool MoveToNextPermutation(refint index, List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider> sliders)
if (index >= sliders.Count)
Grasshopper.Kernel.Special.GH_NumberSlider slider = sliders[index];
if (slider.TickValue < slider.TickCount)
// Increment the slider.
// The current slider is already at the maximum value. Reset it back to zero.
slider.TickValue = 0;
// Move on to the next slider.
// If we've run out of sliders to modify, we're done permutatin'if (index >= sliders.Count)
return MoveToNextPermutation(ref index, sliders);
Update: Another solution for modifying sliders
Anders Deleuran has created an alternative way of remotely modifying slider values. His method is similar, but looks for sliders based upon their name. It is written in Python. You can download the file from the Grasshopper forum.
Using a combination of the keyboard reader and the camera control components for Grasshopper, it is possible to create a rather cool video-game-like keyboard control for walking around your Rhino/Grasshopper file.
Make sure you have installed the keyboard reader. Then click the link below to download the example Grasshopper file. This uses WASD controls, though you can remap the controls as you please.
How to access the persistent data property of Grasshopper components in C#.
Say for example you want to read the value of ‘2’ which is saved internally within a ‘Num’ component.
We can look up the Num class and access the property from here quite easily. But what if we want to do it a bit more generically, so we can access the persistent data within any component?
We can do this by accessing the GH_PersistentParam(T) class. But because this class is in a different namespace/class hierarchy to the IGH_Param class (where we would normally be working to access component properties) it takes a little bit of work to manoeuvre data without Grasshopper having a small fit. (Read here for a forum post where David Rutten explains the class hierarchy behind Grasshopper.)
Two similar solutions I’ve produced today are:
var param2 = Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0] as Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_PersistentParam<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number>;
A = param2.PersistentData[0];
…and the one-line alternative:
A = ((Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_PersistentParam<Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number>) Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0]).PersistentData[0];
This is a great simplification of the problem – it will only looks at the 1st component connected to the 1st input. And since PersistentData returns as GH_Structure, rather than dealing with data trees, it is easiest just to use square bracket notation to retrieve the first item (which is valid if we only have one item in our persistent data, as in this example).
Today we have a special guest post from my colleague and friend Fraser Greenroyd. Fraser is the team’s resident computer scientist, and as such he is subject to the daily brunt of my programming woes. Here he recounts one of the many challenges we face in another day of beating Grasshopper into submission…
How often do you think “this won’t take more than a few minutes to figure out” and then spend far longer solving the problem? For me, that happens on an almost daily basis in my work with James, and today was no exception. Starting with a simple “before you sit down” question, James and I spent an hour traversing the inheritance of Grasshopper to solve one problem – accessing the DataMapping property of any plugged in component.
To begin with, James had created a C# component that read the component plugged into the inputs and checked if it was a ‘Num’ component. From there, he was able to output the DataMapping type, but the code doing this limited the functionality to only the ‘Num’ component. Useless for any other type.
It was recognised that, as multiple components shared similar data members, the chances of them inheriting from a single class were high, but knowing which class was, to begin with, tricky. This was compounded by the fact that I am a Computer Scientist, I’ve been programming for years and am used to reading and digesting well written SDKs but it appears the Grasshopper SDK is not well written. But never-the-less, James took me to the beginning steps and from there we began a journey up and down the inheritance tree until we stumbled upon GH_Param – a class housing such members as the Description, DataMapping and VolatileData. Further up the tree, this inherited from the GH_DocumentObject class which meant access to this generic class should be possible from the bottom level of a component.
Our goal – seems simple, no?
The majority of the hour we spent on this was looking at the SDK and figuring out where we needed to be on the inheritance tree. The minority was the actual nice bit – coding. Our initial development, which was based on James’ first piece of code for the ‘Num’ component gave us a bit of a headache when the GH_Param<T> didn’t like the type we supplied. Unfortunately, the not so well written documentation did not reveal what type we needed but through some trial and error we found it to be the IGH_Goo type.
If you’re a developer, you’ll know only too well the scent of victory drawing ever closer as you change lines here and there, and the sheer frustration when it won’t compile, or doesn’t provide the output you expect. For James and I, we reached this point when the code compiled but the output wasn’t the correct DataMapping for the component plugged in. Thankfully, this did not last long as, not being a Grasshopper developer, it transpired I had forgotten to make use of the ‘sources’ of the inputs.
The final code, included in this post does not do credit to the journey we went on. From an original 30 lines of code, James was able to condense what we needed into two lines (I would have condensed it into one but that’s another story). The source code supplied here allows you to access the DataMapping variable for the first component plugged into the input side of a component, but can be easily extended using lists to include all components plugged in OR, with some clever use of the GH_DocumentObject any component on the canvas (but whether that would be useful is up for debate).
However, if you take just one thing away from this post let it be this – if you ever have to write SDK documentation, for the sanity of those using it write it properly and write it well!
Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param param = Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0];
A = param.DataMapping;
A = ((Grasshopper.Kernal.IGH_Param)Component.Params.Input[0].Sources[0]).DataMapping;
Exploding a mesh is a key skill in handling meshes. Knowing the different ways is a good way of demonstrating you understand how to manipulate meshes. You might need to redefine some faces in your mesh, or you might want to colour a mesh face-by-face.
What does it mean to explode a mesh? It essentially means taking each face of the mesh, and making it a separate mesh in its own right. So a single mesh with 100 faces will become 100 meshes with one face.
There are broadly three ways of exploding a mesh, depending on what you want to do, your ability level, and the wider task you are trying to achieve. Let’s say we want to explode the mesh below.
Starting with the easiest…
Method 1: Use MeshEdit
Use the Explode component in the MeshEdit collection of components:
Notice how we feed a single mesh into the left, and a list comes out the other end.
This method is dependent upon MeshEdit being installed on the computer that the Grasshopper file is being used on. In cases where you can’t rely on this, for example in team working or when sharing files with clients, you might want to try…
Method 2: Use native Grasshopper components
Use this slightly clunkier method which grafts mesh data to create multiple meshes. The two components are ‘Construct Mesh’ and ‘Deconstruct Mesh’. Take care of the grafts and flattens. You could always turn these into a cluster for tidiness.
Method 3: Use C#
If you are writing C# and want to merge the mesh explode into a script for efficiency, or you just want to show off your Grasshopper Geek credentials, you can use the following method:
List<Mesh> Explode(Mesh m)
var rtnlist = new List<Mesh>();
for (int f = 0; f < m.Faces.Count; f++)
var newmesh = new Mesh();
if(m.Faces[f].IsQuad) newmesh.Vertices.Add(m.Vertices[m.Faces[f].D]);
if(m.Faces[f].IsTriangle) newmesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 2);
if(m.Faces[f].IsQuad) newmesh.Faces.AddFace(0, 1, 2, 3);
return rtnlist;
The value is entered in the bottom left. The component then looks for any ‘Num’ components, and send the value to them. If there are multiple components, it will find them and update them accordingly.
By default, if nothing is connected to that ‘input’ input, the component will update all Nums. If you only want to update certain components, connect these to ‘input’.
The component can potentially be created to work with any component. By finding the class of any component in Grasshopper, we can interact programmatically with it.
The component is written in the C# component and can be opened and edited directly within Grasshopper.
List<System.Guid> guids = new List<System.Guid>(); //connected components
Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param selNumsInput = Component.Params.Input[0];
IList<Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param> sources = selNumsInput.Sources;
bool isAnythingConnected = sources.Any();
if(isAnythingConnected && (bool) startme)
foreach (var source in sources)
IGH_DocumentObject component = source.Attributes.GetTopLevel.DocObject;
//check if valid numberbool validNumber = true;
Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_Number myNum = component as Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_Number;
if(myNum == null) validNumber = false; //check if it's a num componentelse if(myNum.DataType == Grasshopper.Kernel.GH_ParamData.remote) validNumber = false; //check if freeif (validNumber)
guids.Add(myNum.InstanceGuid); //a list of free num component GUIDs
//this loop can probably be merged with the above, unless I'm missing something...
List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_Number> nums = new List<Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_Number>();
foreach (IGH_DocumentObject docObject in GrasshopperDocument.Objects) //for every GH component in document
Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_Number num = docObject as Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_Number; //try convert to numif(num != null) //if that component is a num
if(isAnythingConnected) //...and nums are connected to this C# component
if(guids.Contains(num.InstanceGuid)) nums.Add(num); //...then if that num is connected, add to 'nums'
else if (num.DataType != GH_ParamData.remote)
nums.Add(num); //else add all free num components
//nums is the list of all the components we want to update.
Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number ghnum = new Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Number(val);
foreach (Grasshopper.Kernel.Parameters.Param_Number obj in nums)
if((bool) startme)
A = nums;
A great thing about being able to use C# code in Grasshopper is the ability to access other C# libraries and functions that we wouldn’t normally think of when using Grasshopper.
The message box is a good example of this, and can be a very simple and useful way of interacting with your user.
We can add a message box with a single line of C# in the C# component.
if(System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands",
"Are you sure?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK)
A = "clap clap";
This gives us something like this:
Another nice thing about message boxes is, like in ‘regular’ C# programming, we can also get a response from the message box. If I hit ‘OK’, the output A changes:
This happens because we selected MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel. We then said that if the response is equal to DialogResult.OK then we should output ‘clap clap’ to A.
Creating our own message box
The basic structure to construct our own message box is:
It is even possible to create an input box (i.e. a message box with a space for the user to type something), though it is slightly hacky and doesn’t look so good. It’s hacky because it’s technically not implemented for C#, and we are using the flexibility of .NET to access a library that was intended to be used with VB.
The class you need is in the VisualBasic namespace:
if(Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.InputBox("If you're happy and you know it...",
"What are you gonna do?", "enter response here", 100, 100) == "clap your hands")
A = "clap clap";
…and as you’d expect, if you type “clap your hands”, we will get a response in A:
When developing for Grasshopper, it is useful to be able to interact programatically with existing components.
The current SDK has patchy documentation and finding where and how to interact with different components can be challenging.
The script below can be used to find the namespace and class for any component. Use a default C# component. Set the first input (x) as a list, and connect your components to this.
Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param selNumsInput = Component.Params.Input[0];
IList<Grasshopper.Kernel.IGH_Param> sources = selNumsInput.Sources;
bool isAnythingConnected = sources.Any();
var rtnlist = new List<object>();
foreach (var source in sources)
IGH_DocumentObject component = source.Attributes.GetTopLevel.DocObject;
A = rtnlist;
Once you have these namespaces, you can then dig into these components and access a wide range of properties. It’s quite fun to see what you can do with them.
Many intersection checks are possible in C# in Grasshopper, although finding them isn’t entirely intuitive.
One task I wanted to do today was to see if a ray of light between one point and another was being blocked by a mesh. This requires a mesh-line intersection check – to check if the ray of light was being blocked by the mesh.
How to calculate an intersection
You can find a lot of intersection methods for different kinds of geometry under Rhino.Geometry.Intersection. The mesh line intersection is a good choice as it is one of the faster intersection checks – especially compared to anything involving surfaces.
To do the intersection check, we need our mesh and our ray. The ray can be a bit challenging to set up – it’s a common mistake to forget to realise that your line start and end points might be touching the mesh, which would lead to positive intersection results. This is why I’ve redefined my line to run from 0.001 to 0.999.
//collision testvar ln = new Line(e[em], centre); //rayvar startpt = new Point3d(ln.PointAt(0.001)); //modify ray so start/end don't intersectvar endpt = new Point3d(ln.PointAt(0.999));
ln.From = startpt;
ln.To = endpt;
Int32[] intersections; //where intersection locations are held
Rhino.Geometry.Intersect.Intersection.MeshLine(r, ln, out intersections);
//calculate emission contribution and add to that receiverif(intersections == null)
//if no intersections, we can assume ray is unimpeded and do our calcsdouble contribution = Math.Cos(alpha) / (dist * dist);
rtnvals[f] += Math.Max(contribution, 0);